Buffalo Outer Harbor Boulders


Buffalo could have one of the best water fronts in the country if they worked with nature. There has been millions spent on improvements. And it shows.

Nature keep trying to form nice sandy beaches. True nature lovers know how to work with nature! We have some of the best SW winds blowing 300 miles down Lake Erie. This great for Sailing, Kite Boarding and Windsurfing.

The storms in the fall push a lot of water down to the Buffalo end of the Lake and cause flooding. Back in the late 1800 the city of Buffalo flooded many times. This is why a break wall was constructed to divert the storms down the Niagara River. This stopped the city from flooding but still there is shore line damage. Maybe the black rock canal could open their locks during a storm. The Army Corp feels the solution is to put large boulders on all the shore lines. Which is not nice for water sports or any beach activity. This is the easiest and cheapest way to stop storms from forming beaches. Why are we building on the lakes flood plane. Save our water access to nice beaches. Work with nature stop fighting it!

Save our beaches We need softer shore lines at public parks. If we must place boulders on the shore line. At least cover it with smaller stones, dirt and add grass. Our boulder shoreline needs a finish touch of a softer shore line. We love Lake Erie and want to play on it!

Image of boulders destroying a natural at Wilkeson Pointe Army Corp just placed on nice beach.